Teenagers and vitiligo
Anyone who gets vitiligo spots as a teenager can become quite insecure. There are treatment options, but it often takes a long time before results are achieved, and that is not even guaranteed.
Especially in the summer, the spots can be so noticeable that young people sometimes make comments during gymnastics lessons or in the swimming pool.
Do you recognize this and does it bother you? Then the tips below will certainly help you.
- Check the website www.faceitvoorjongeren.nl. Here you will find an online help program aimed at young people, which you can follow at home in your own time. Through the forum on that site you can come into contact with other young people with visible conditions.
- Give a talk about vitiligo to explain to your class about the spots. Experience shows that bullying quickly decreases when classmates understand what the stains are. Your story will impress. You can get one for free on the Vitiligo.nl website speaking package to request.
- Become a member of the Vitiligo.nl association, which brings together people - including young people - with vitiligo. The association organizes a members day at least once a year where youth members can meet each other. So you get to know other students with vitiligo and after the members day they often keep in touch with each other via Facebook and WhatsApp. As a member of Vitiligo.nl you also receive the members magazine four times a year Spotlight!, including current information and a youth section. It membership of Vitiligo.nl costs 28 euros per year (as of 2022) and this amount can be declared to some health insurers (reimbursements from health insurers).
- Make a print of the information card, the kids booklet, that Vitiligo.nl gave to all members as a gift a few years ago. Here you will find the PDF. With this card in your pocket you can quickly and clearly explain vitiligo to people who ask about it.
Some places can youperhaps camouflage ,for example with make-up (you sight ) orof self-tanners . In the Spotlight! there are regular tips for camouflage. Or go to one for personal advice skin therapist or a medical beautician.- Join
the decided Facebookgroup from Vitiligo. NL ,Where people with vitiligo exchange experiences. - Maybe a foundation holiday camp The star something for you? These holiday weeks are aimed at making young people resilient and increasing their self-confidence in a fun week. read it
article that about this in Spotlight!no 1 of 2018 stO n.d . - In serious cases: ask your GP for help or a referral for psychological help.