Influence and control
Regulation in which the influence and control of members, donors, stakeholders and third parties (sponsors) is transparently laid down.
This is laid down in the articles of association of in the following articles:
The amount of the annual contribution
Article 8 paragraph 2: Every ordinary member owes an annual amount, which amount is determined by the general meeting.
Guarantee by the board
Article 10 paragraph 3: The board requires the approval of the general meeting for entering into agreements in which the association undertakes as guarantor or joint and several co-debtor, vouches for a third party or undertakes to provide security for a debt of a third party, insofar as these agreements exceed the amount referred to in paragraph 2.
Article 10 paragraph 2: ... insofar as these latter agreements do not exceed in an association year the total amount equal to half of the contributions collected in the previous association year.
General meeting: access and voting rights
Article 13 paragraph 1: Access The members and donors, the persons who are part of the bodies of the association, as well as those who have been invited by the board and/or the general meeting, have access to the general meeting.
Article 13 paragraph 2: Eligible to vote The general meeting includes members who have reached the age of sixteen. Each of them has one vote. Anyone who is entitled to vote may grant written power of attorney to another person entitled to vote to cast his vote.
Accountability by management
Article 15 paragraph 1: At this general meeting, the board issues its annual report on the affairs of the association and the policy pursued. It submits the balance sheet and a statement of income and expenditure with an explanation to the meeting.
Convene general meeting
Article 16 paragraph 2: At the written request of at least twenty-five members, the board is obliged to: convene a general meeting within a period of no longer than four weeks after submission of the request.
Legally valid decisions at a general meeting not convened in writing
Article 16, paragraph 4: If the general meeting is convened within a shorter period than the prescribed period, the general meeting may nevertheless legally valid decisions provided that at least such a number of persons entitled to vote are present at the meeting as are entitled to cast half of the number of votes that can be cast in a plenary meeting and none of them, nor the board, opposes decision-making. If no written notice of the general meeting has been given, the general meeting can nevertheless be held legally valid decisions unless such a number of those present as are entitled to cast one-tenth of the votes at that meeting oppose this.
Amendment of the articles of association
Article 17 paragraph 1: Amendment of the articles of association can only take place by a decision of the general meeting, which has been called with the announcement that amendments to the articles of association will be proposed there.
Article 17 paragraph 2: Those who convened the general meeting to discuss a proposal to amend the articles of association must make a copy of that proposal, in which the proposed amendment is included verbatim, available to the members for inspection at least five days before the day of the meeting.
Article 17, paragraph 3: The general meeting can only decide to amend the articles of association a majority of at least two-thirds of the number of votes cast.
Dissolution of the association
Article 18 paragraph 1: The provisions of Article 17 paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 5 apply mutatis mutandis to a decision of the general meeting to dissolution of the association.
Article 18 paragraph 2: The general meeting shall, by its decision referred to in the previous paragraph, establish the destination of the positive balance, and as much as possible in accordance with the purpose of the association.
Article 18 paragraph 3: The liquidation is carried out by the board unless the general meeting decides otherwise.
Article 19 paragraph 1: The general meeting may adopt and amend one or more regulations which regulates subjects that are not or not fully provided for by the articles of association.
Article 19 paragraph 3: On decisions to establishing and amending regulations the provisions of Article 17, paragraphs 1, 2 and 5, apply mutatis mutandis. Furthermore, has a internal complaints procedure. This sets out what a complaint means, who may file a complaint, how a complaint should be filed and what happens to a complaint after it has been filed.