Spotlight! No. 1 (2017): Acceptance and resilience
In this issue of Spotlight! a large article about tools that can help you accept your vitiligo spots and increase your resilience. It is known that a skin condition such as vitiligo can be so stressful that it has a major impact on a person's life. It often happens that people become insecure and anxious, stay indoors or even develop psychological problems. In this article information about an online help program from the AMC, the approach of children's coach Roosmarijn who was at the members day in 2016, and the story of Martijn Dethmers who spoke so movingly about his inner struggle at the members day 2017.
Further in this issue: an article about the possible effects of a treatment at the Dead Sea, Judith Noordzij's own story (who is on the cover), and a lot of responses to the question: a tattoo or not?
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