Live, enjoy and dare..... also with vitiligo!

What does the Coronavirus (Covid-19) mean for the care of patients with vitiligo?

The coranavirus (Covid-19) and healthcare

The corona crisis affects everyone. As a patient association, we try to get an impression of what this currently means for people with vitiligo. Possibly nothing at all, there are much more important things to think about right now. But the supply of care is changing these weeks. There are reorganisations, agreements may or may not be made or may be postponed. Chairman Paul Monteiro is in regular contact with specialists and vitiligo associations worldwide these days. With this message we inform you about the latest state of affairs. We would also like to hear about your experiences.   

1. Regular care

All live regular care in the AMC/SNIP has stopped. Except when it comes to life-threatening situations. You can simply ask questions via my file or by telephone. You can also request prescriptions this way. There is still a limited possibility of appointments in the Skin Medical Center opposite the AMC, but care is also limited there.

Many dermatologists are currently deployed to other departments. For example in the Emergency Room. They have now also been trained for this and work under the supervision of other specialists. And in this way, materials can also be used sparingly.  

2. Effects of coronavirus (Covid-19) and vitiligo

There is currently no information that vitiligo causes problems with viruses and Corona (Covid-19) in particular. In any case, the immune system of people with vitiligo is not so disrupted that a response to the virus is no longer possible. After this pandemic, research will undoubtedly be conducted into the effects of this coronavirus (Covid-19) on people with vitiligo.

3. Your experience

The corona crisis affects everyone. As a patient association, we try to get an impression of what this currently means for people with vitiligo. Possibly nothing at all, there are much more important things to think about right now. But the supply of care is changing these weeks. There are reorganisations, agreements may or may not be made or may be postponed. 

Where do you stand on this? 


• you have just completed a UV exposure process in a hospital. How will that continue? Will that be stopped or can you pick up the thread at home? What is the guidance like, what do you experience?

• did you have an appointment with a skin therapist (and why).
What is your situation now, are there alternatives possible?

• have you just completed a mini-grafting or laser treatment, for example?

• your child was about to give a speech at school and that is canceled for the time being

• April is the time to tan your skin in a tanning studio. What now?

These are just a few examples, what is yours? We'd like to hear that. You can respond to this third point on our private Facebook page where you will find a call with the questions. Would you rather email? Of course that is also possible! Then send your response to and

In the June issue of Spotlight! We offer space for some reactions.

Vitiligo patients for it AMC/SNIP have the following options:

  • We can see emergency vitiligo patients at the Skin Medical Center if necessary.
    Vitiligo is one of the inflammatory dermatoses for which emergency referrals can be made.
  • We have a COVID-19 outpatient clinic at the AMC for vitiligo emergency patients with COVID-19 related complaints
  • All vitiligo patients with regular check-up appointments are called by the doctors
  • Patients can call to make telephone appointments
  • We are best reached by telephone during office hours
  • There are doctors, support staff and dermatologists available to care for emergency patients
  • Our patients can receive a login code for MyDossier via SMS to:

o ask questions to their doctor

o cancel appointments

o request repeat prescriptions

o send photos to their doctor

o view their results

  • These are changing times. Our options for helping patients may change, for example for patients for whom the follow-up visit can no longer be postponed.