Live, enjoy and dare..... also with vitiligo!

Latest news from experts on members day 2019

Continuous research into vitiligo is being conducted and here and there the results are promising. This became apparent at the 2019 members day at the AMC in Amsterdam, where almost all experts in the field of vitiligo were present.

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Spotlight! No. 3 (2019) Everything about khelline

The main article in the September issue discusses the effects of khelline. This is applied at ZBC Multicare in Hilversum. In the magazine two people talk about their experiences, but of course Spotlight! the specialists also have their say.

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Cool workshops for youth on members day

Street beats, vlogging, 3D drawing or stop motion: have you always wanted to try something like that? As a youth member of you now get the chance! Choose two workshops and come to the members day on October 6!

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Your chance to be on TV!

Do you know the TV program Hoofdzaken? You can participate if you are between 8 and 13 years old and dare to talk about your vitiligo on television.

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